Beats, Pixels & Paint from MCR


Play It Strange shines the spotlight into NZ schools and brings into the light the great songs that are written there.

Songwriting is a craft of the imagination and we believe that the creative environment surrounding songwriters should foster, expose and celebrate these songs.

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Grace Wood from St Kentigern College, Auckland, with her song ‘Young, Naive and Reckless’ won the 2015 Lion Foundation Song Competition.

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Have you seen our film titled SAVE OUR SONGS featuring many hundreds of NZers singing “Why Does Love Do This To Me". It’s the film to launch our donation campaign as we start writing and developing our new websites and continue building and marketing our programmes across New Zealand. 

Without your support, we creep back to a dark corner and our mission to see school-aged singer-songwriters forging paths of excellence out and into the world fades. We can’t let that happen.

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Play In Strange moves in many places. 

Hard left turns; ups, out to the horizon... and back.  We tell our stories in brief in Newsletters. 

Sign up to receive them by email. We will keep you informed!

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Strange Friends are a group of wonderful people who contribute to the valued work of Play It Strange – the trust that shines the spotlight on songs in schools.

In exchange for a donation (tax deductible) you will become a Strange Friend of the Play It Strange Trust. YOU are a part of our world.

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